10 Tips For Flying with Children

We all know how painful it can be to fly with children. Here are some helpful tips to make your time fly by!

  1. BRING SNACKS!!! This is probably the most important tip of them all. Just make sure that you will be able to get those specific snacks through security unless you are flying privately, then you do not have to worry about that. Also try not to bring snacks that will be super messy. If they are old enough, bring something they can suck  on or some gum to help pop their ears.img_3842
  2. Extra wet wipes because you know they will find a way to make some sort of a mess. img_3965-1
  3. Make sure your car seat or harness is FAA approved! If you are flying on the airlines, it would be a good idea to call ahead and let them know that you will be bringing it. Here is Carter sporting his new FAA approved car seat with Mickey of course!img_0102
  4. Bring their favorite blankie or stuffed animal. You might get lucky and they will take a nap! In our case, Carter would have to have his airplane blankie and his Mickey Mouse.img_0008
  5. Get them a new toy specifically for the trip and do not pull it out till you are on the plane. Chevy and Scruffy love getting new toys!img_4210img_4212
  6. Download a couple movies or their favorite TV shows on an Ipad so when all else fails, they just might relax for a little bit. But really though, Ipads are so worth the investment! Just do not forget the headphones that fit their head! Trust me, nobody wants to listen to the “hot diggity dog” song the whole flight except your kid.
  7. Don’t forget some type of stroller! When those little legs get tired, the last thing you will want to do is carry them around the airport!img_2602
  8. Ellie prefers riding in her basket over the stroller! img_3995
  9. Arrive EARLY and try to get early boarding! Kids always seem to have this way of always making us late whether they have an accident right as you are walking out the door, forget their mickey mouse at home, or just because they are so SLOW!
  10. Bring an extra outfit for both you and your child! I cant tell you how many times I have had something spilled on me or Carter has randomly puked on himself. Not fun! This is also nice if your luggage gets lost or you happen to leave the bag of clothes at home… It will also pay off if you put them in something comfy like Carter’s favorite Under Armour outfit!img_0432
  11. Don’t let the kids sit in the aisle seats! This is just asking for trouble… They could try to run off, grab at things, or even get knocked around by someone walking up or down tha aisle. If possible, try to get them into a window seat; they will love getting to watch out the window!

Good Luck!

P.S. If you are looking for your very own plane to take your kids up in, visit globalair.com !

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